Una serie tv satirica per raccontare cosa significhi vivere nel profondo Nordest del nuovo millennio. Rigorosamente in 'marilenghe' sottotitolata in italiano e inglese articolo su l'espresso
Dear Friend, I’ve greatly enjoyed looking through your blog. I adore your way of presentation. I was able to get some of the information from your blog as well as by following external links from your blog. So I have added your link in My Blogroll section. Please check it. If any changes has to be made please mail me. I would be glad if you could provide a link. It would be great pleasure if you can add my blog. Here is my blog information: URL: http://boutiquerings.wordpress.com/ I hope you find this link appropriate and useful. Thanks for your help and consideration.
1 comment:
Dear Friend,
I’ve greatly enjoyed looking through your blog. I adore your way of presentation.
I was able to get some of the information from your blog as well as by following external links from your blog.
So I have added your link in My Blogroll section. Please check it. If any changes has to be made please mail me. I would be glad if you could provide a link.
It would be great pleasure if you can add my blog. Here is my blog information:
URL: http://boutiquerings.wordpress.com/
I hope you find this link appropriate and useful. Thanks for your help and consideration.
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